Thanks for your interest in supporting the ministries of The Awakening Church.

Give by Check. Give during Sunday services or mail your gift to:
The Awakening Church, 39681 Avenida Acacias, Murrieta, CA 92563

Give Online or through our church app. Download Apple App | Download Android App
Giving online allows a one-time gift or enables you to take advantage of reoccurring giving.

Keep First Things First - The Bible says giving is to be a “first” and not a last or leftover matter in our lives (Proverbs 3:9-10). It’s too easy to let our intentions be compromised by the pressure of expenses and billing cycles.

It’s Convenient - Through online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting and strengthen our base of regular support.

It’s Secure & Private - For your protection and to maximize the security of financial transactions, we have partnered with PushPay for both our online and mobile giving platforms. Credit card and bank account processing is accomplished in an easy and secure manner by clicking the “GIVE NOW” button below or by downloading the PushPay mobile app.

Simply text the word “awakening” to the number 77977 for instructions.